5 Important Points Before Remodeling the Bathroom - Renovating a bathroom is an interesting task. However, before plunging in the preoccupation, there should be things that need to be done. Because, in addition to the time required is not shortly, the funds issued are also tolerable.

Here are five main points to consider before beautifying the bathroom in your home.
1. Budget
If the bathroom at home has to be renovated but you are not ready with the design, the first thing to look at is your finances. Preparing finances first will be very helpful, so you will know what to buy with the money you have.
2. Design and Function
Before determining what color and how to fill it, you have to think about the function and who is most often using the bathroom. Therefore, the design and color that must be applied in accordance with who designers.
3. Time
Many people assume, bathroom renovation takes less time compared to other rooms. However, this is not necessarily the case. It depends on how many items and the desired design. Time planning is very important, especially for homes that have only one bathroom.
4. Lighting and Ventilation
Make sure the lighting in the bathroom is maximal. Minimal lighting in the bathroom of 4 watts per m2. In addition, natural lighting also needs to be eg from a vent. In addition to natural lighting, ventilation also serves as a good air flow that prevents the growth of mold in humid areas.
5. Storage Rack
Cabinets, shelves as well as other storage places to the bathroom tidy solution. Moreover, if the bathroom is small. The shelf should be functional and can accommodate many items. And most importantly make them easy to reach.
Monday, June 26, 2017
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