Bathroom Renovation More Short and Cheap - The bathroom is one of the most expensive rooms to remodel. So it takes a special budget for bathroom renovation, other than that the process is also time-consuming.

So, how to trick juggling the bathroom so that new appear gradually, cheaply, and do not eat time. Launched from Pop sugar, Tuesday (5/30/2017), the following tricks to beautify the bathroom gradually.
Beautify the lever area
Something as small as a flusher's handle can make a big difference. Upgrade the white plastic version into a shiny lever. Then apply on the wall near the toilet lever.
Update the sink wall area
Paste wallpaper on the area around the sink can give a different and beautiful look for the bathroom. Give additional mirror to give a new impression.
Change the light of the lamp
Changing the lights in the bathroom can actually be easier and more affordable than the budget estimate of a massive renovation. Use a cheap LED light, then convey style using decorative decoration.
Monday, June 26, 2017
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